RMR Nar-Anon

RMR Recovery Speaker Recordings

Below is a list of a portion of the recovery speaker recordings from the Rocky Mountain Region. The members who share their experience, strength and hope in the recovery recordings have all experienced the impact of addiction as spouses, parents, siblings, children, or partners of addicts.  We have all desperately made efforts to help an addicted loved one find recovery. When we reached our breaking point, we found Nar-Anon; a safe place offering a supportive community for friends and families of addicts. 

All recovery recordings provide insight, strength and hope for families affected by addiction. 

All recordings are posted with written consent of the speaker and are only to be used for recovery purposes.

If you are looking for an audio recovery recording that is not included in this list, please email the following: 

  • For ISWU Saturday Speakers: iswutechcoordinator@gmail.com 
  • For other RMR Recordings: vicechair@naranonrm.org
  • For Carry the Message recordings: carrythemessagenfg@gmail.com