RMR Nar-Anon

Starting an RMR Group

The Rocky Mountain Region (RMR) is committed to carrying the message of hope to those affected by someone else’s addiction. One way we do this is by providing daily meetings. If you would like to start a group in the RMR please follow the appropriate steps provided below.

  1. In Person
    1.  Register with RMR Secretary (secretary@naranonrm.org)
    2. Contact RMR Technology (technology@naranonrm.org) with Meeting Details
    3. Register with WSO https://www.nar-anon.org/contact
    4. Send GSR or Meeting Contact to monthly RSC Call and Assemblies (Feb and July)
  2. Virtual
    1. Requesting Use of RMR Virtual Meeting Room or Clubhouse Links
      1. Email delegate@naranonrm.orgchair@naranonrm.org to initiate the request. Provide exact day, time, and length of meeting information.
      2. The Delegate and Chair evaluate the request and determine availability.
      3. If a link is available and agreement reached
        1. Register with RMR Secretary (secretary@naranonrm.org)
        2. Contact RMR Technology (technology@naranonrm.org) with Meeting Details
        3. Register with WSO https://www.nar-anon.org/contact
        4. Send GSR or Meeting Contact to monthly RSC Call and Assemblies (Feb and July)
    2. Using Different Link
      1. Register with RMR Secretary (secretary@naranonrm.org)
      2. Contact RMR Technology (technology@naranonrm.org) with Meeting Details
      3. Register with WSO https://www.nar-anon.org/contact
      4. Send GSR or Meeting Contact to monthly RSC Call and Assemblies (Feb and July)


Resource: No Nar-Anon Group in Your Area

Resource: Guidelines for a Healthy Meeting

Resource: Group Conscience and Business Meetings

Download Additional Nar-Anon Service Literature at: https://www.nar-anon.org/service-literature