RMR Nar-Anon

RMR Surveys & Documents

Rocky Mountain Region Surveys

Your experience counts and we want to hear from you!

To better serve the groups, each year between November and February the Rocky Mountain Region conducts a survey of our members. Anyone who attends groups in the Rocky Mountain Region either in person or virtually is invited to participate in the survey.

Greetings RMR Nar-Anon Members,

Please click here to view the results of our survey published on this website between October 4th, 2022 and January 31st, 2023.

A total of 173 people responded, this is a 23 % increase from 2021 which is just spectacular engagement two years in a row!

This year I will offer my “Big Rock” insights but I will also provide a separate PDF document for those wanting a deeper look, some of this information may also be shared as part of our Five Year Accomplishment report, expected in April 2023.   

In reviewing the report, I am struck by the following insights:

  • Nearly 95% of respondents attend a virtual meeting and 30% attend hybrid or in-person meetings.  By my count there were 141 respondents attending our daytime meetings, which began forming about 18 months ago. On average the respondents attend between 4-5 meetings a week. 
  • The region website is our largest Outreach Channel, with over 30% of respondents finding Nar-Anon this way. When we add in friends and family, other 12 step programs, therapists and treatment centers that accounts for how 90% of us found meetings and/or events. 
  •  We continue to have a strong message of recovery reflected in the percentage of respondents working steps, the level of sponsorship, participation in events, and the number of meetings members attend weekly. Only 8% of respondents report not working steps. It does “Work if You Work It.” 
  • Our unity and commitment to this design for living is taking hold; 51% of respondents have a year or more in Nar-Anon, 23% of respondents are sponsoring others, about 57% are serving at the group level and beyond and, 83% make 7th Tradition contributions.

There is still additional understanding we can obtain from this survey in our efforts to develop, coordinate and maintain services on behalf of the RMR Nar-Anon Family groups as a whole. These results will continue to be referenced within our Assemblies, Monthly RSC Calls, Subcommittee Meetings and as part of our RSC Budget and Events Processes. 

Again I extend my gratitude to those of you who responded and I welcome the use of these survey results by our fellowship in pursuit of our 5th Tradition purpose.

David G., Chair


2022 RMR Survey Summary – Download PDF Report

2022 RMR Survey Raw Data File – Download Excel Spreadsheet 

Past Surveys

2021 Survey Results

RMR Documents

Document NameIssue DateLink
RMR Bylaws12.08.2020 Download
RMR Guidelines07.15.2023Download
GSR OrientationSept 2023Download
New GSR Registration FormDownload
New Group FormDownload