RMR Nar-Anon

Rocky Mountain Region information

A Brief History of the Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups

The Rocky Mountain Region formed on April 22, 2018 with the sole purpose of developing, coordinating, and maintaining services on behalf of the groups in the region. We elected our first panel of Regional Service Officers and Subcommittee Chairs on June 10, 2018. To ensure our success we started holding regular Regional Service Committee Meetings (RSC Meetings) on the first Tuesday of the month beginning July 2018 and have two scheduled assemblies each year. We incorporated in the State of Colorado on December 8, 2020 and received our 501(c)3 status on May 8, 2020.

Regional Service Committee RSC Meetings


1st Tuesday of the month

Jan, Feb, April, May, June, July, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec


Virtual in the RMR Clubhouse


8:00 pm – 9:15 pm MT


RSC Officers, GSRs, Subcommittee Chairs, Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and interested members of the Rocky Mountain Region


Currently anyone who attends the RSC has a voice and a vote

RSC Assembly


 Twice each year on the 3rd Saturday in February and July


Virtual in the Main Room


Begins at 8:30 am


RSC Officers, GSRs, Subcommittee Chairs, Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and interested members of the Rocky Mountain Region


Group Service Representatives (GSRs) of Groups in the Rocky Mountain Region are the sole voters at Assembly

Winter Assembly

3rd Saturday in February

Annual Budget, CAR Votes, Reports, Subcommittee Elections, Open Discussion/ Business 


Summer Assembly

3rd Saturday in July

RSC Officer Elections, Annual Group Reports, Motions for CAR, Open Discussion/ Business 

The Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups incorporated on Dec 8, 2020 and received our 501c3 status thereafter.

There were 18 active meetings in Colorado when we formed. We currently have 17 Nar-Anon Family Groups meeting 23 times each week.

At this time, there are no current areas in the Rocky Mountain Region.

Excerpts From the RMR GUIDELINES

Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups

Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups (RMR NFG) is an organization of trusted servants with the intent and purpose of providing services to the fellowship it serves. It is an unconventional organization in that its leadership is meant to serve, never to govern or become the seat of wealth or power. The representative leadership is elected by the fellowship to limited terms, and the ultimate authority and responsibility for the entire fellowship are retained by the groups. The fellowship adheres to the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of Nar-Anon Family Groups not as rules of law, but as guiding principles that maintain consistency throughout the worldwide fellowship. 

The fellowship responsible for the RMR NFG resides in the state of Colorado in the United States. All voting representation from respective groups and elected trusted servants are members of registered Nar-Anon Family Groups residing within the geographic boundaries so defined, which hereafter shall be referred to as the Rocky Mountain Region (RMR)

The RMR NFG Bylaws and Guidelines guide the region in organizing its services, including but not limited to voting and election procedures, the function of Assemblies, developing and maintaining subcommittees, and hosting state and regional conventions. As a reference, members may also look to the Nar-Anon Guide to Local Services (GLS) or Guide to World Services (GWS), published by Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. The GLS and GWS provide information about the principles and practices throughout the worldwide fellowship of Nar-Anon, while the RMR NFG Bylaws and Guidelines clarify the region’s specific procedures adopted through years of experience. 

Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups:

  1. Maintains ongoing communication with the World Service Office (WSO) and World Service Conference (WSC)
  2. Holds Assemblies and Regional Service Committee (RSC) meetings
  3. Elects a Delegate to the World Service Conference 
  4. Elects regional officers 
  5. Maintains a bank account for the RSC 
  6. Maintains local mailing address/P.O. Box 
  7. Encourages and approves compliant use of the Nar-Anon logo and trademark guidelines as set forth in the GWS

*Page 4 of the RMR Guidelines

RSC meetings are held to conduct the business of regional and area matters as described below. These meetings are attended by officers, ASRs, regional subcommittee chairs, the Narateen Process Person (NTPP), the Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and the GSRs. All Nar-Anon members are welcome to attend. At the discretion of the Chair, speaking by non-voting members may be limited. 

The voting members are the officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Delegate); GSRs; Alternate Delegate; subcommittee chairs; and others as the region may deem appropriate.

The RSC:

  • Hears and discusses region and area reports
  • Hears subcommittees’ reports and reviews their activities 
  • Hears and discusses the Delegate’s report
  • Reviews ways of keeping the groups informed and unified 
  • Establishes subcommittees
  • Develops policies for Assembly approval
  • Develops the region’s budget 
  • Raises funds for the Delegate’s equalized travel expenses to attend the WSC


*Page 7 of the RMR Guidelines

Consider yourself a member of a group in the Rocky Mountain Region? Want to serve the region? Check out the RMR Guidelines for detail descriptions of each position. The Election Chart below shows when we hold elections.

Trusted ServantWhen to Elect TermColorado
RSC ChairJuly - Odd Year2 years, 2 maxYes
RSC Vice ChairJuly - Odd Year2 years, 2 maxYes
RSC SecretaryJuly - Even Year2 years, 2 max
RSC TreasurerJuly - Even Year2 years, 2 maxConditional
DelegateJuly - Odd Year2 yearsConditional
Alternate DelegateJuly - Odd Year2 yearsConditional
Alternate TreasurerJuly - Odd Year2 years, 2 maxConditional
Day Of Sharing ChairJuly1 year, 3 max
Outreach ChairFebruary1 year, 3 max
Technology ChairFebruary1 year, 3 max
Convention Chair*November1 year, 3 max
Narateen ChairJuly2 years, 3 maxYes
NTPPJuly2 years, 3 maxYes
Outreach Property CoordinatorFebruary1 year, 3 maxYes
Hope Line ChairFebruary1 year, 3 max
Digital Content / SEOFebruary1 year, 3 max
Literature Development Chair*February1 year, 3 max
NewsletterFebruary1 year, 3 max

Conditional: A Nar-Anon member living in Colorado must hold one of the paired service positions.

*Committee Chairs are elected by their committee members

*Page 20 of the RMR Guidelines



Document NameIssue DateLink
RMR Bylaws12.08.2020 Download
RMR GuidelinesJuly 2024Download
GSR OrientationJuly 2024Download
New GSR Registration FormDownload
New Group FormDownload

Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups encourages two-way communication between the region and the groups. Previously, a monthly “Take Back” was created for members to share the progress and happenings. If you are a member you are welcome to download copies and share them with your group. If you would like to participate in the region’s activities, contact us or join us on our next committee call, held on the first Tuesday of each month from 8:00pm – 9:15pm.                                             

Concept 8 – Regular, two-way communications are essential to the fulfillment of all these concepts and the integrity and effectiveness of our services themselves. Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.

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