Interactive, intensive, immersive, & intimate journey through the steps. Wednesdays, 5pm – 7pm MST 6 Week Workshop January 22 & 29 February …
Nar-Anon and Narcotics Anonymous Speakers Coming Together to Share Their Experience, Strength and Hope Saturday & Sunday, January 25 & 26, 2025 …
Hosted by RMR Cruising February 2 – 9, 2025 Miami | Puerto Plata | St. Thomas | Tortola | Great Stirrup Cay …
Looking for a meeting?
Virtual meetings are held in one of the virtual rooms below. Visit our meetings page for additional log-in information and all Rocky Mountain Region meetings (face-to-face, virtual or hybrid.)
Select questions below to learn more about how RMR Nar-Anon can help you.
These 20 questions allow us to evaluate ourselves to see if Nar-Anon might be right for us. Ask yourself the following questions and then answer them as honestly as you can.
- Do you find yourself making excuses, lying or covering up for someone?
- Do you have a reason not to trust this person?
- Is it becoming difficult for you to believe his/her explanations?
- Do you lie awake worrying about this person?
- If it is your child, is he/she missing school often without your knowledge?
- If it is your spouse, is he/she missing work and leaving bills to pile up?
- Are your savings mysteriously disappearing?
- Are the unanswered questions causing hostility and undermining your relationship?
- Are you asking yourself, “What’s wrong?” and “Is it my fault?”
- Are normal family disagreements becoming hostile and violent?
- Are your suspicions turning you into a detective and are you afraid of what you may find?
- Are you canceling your social functions with vague excuses?
- Are you becoming increasingly reluctant to invite friends to your home?
- Is concern for this person causing you headaches, a knotty stomach and extreme anxiety?
- Do minute matters easily irritate this person? Does your whole life seem like a nightmare?
- Are you unable to discuss the situation with friends and relatives because of embarrassment?
- Are you frustrated by ineffective attempts to control the situation?
- Do you overcompensate and try not to make waves?
- Do you keep trying to make things better and nothing helps?
- Are the life style and friends of this person changing? Do you ever think they may be using drugs?
If you have answered “Yes” to four or more of these questions, Nar-Anon may be able to give you the answers you are looking for.
Nar-Anon is intended for parents, spouses, children, siblings, and friends of addicts. Nar-Anon can provide new insights to help with our attitudes, behaviors, and emotions. We can regain our own sanity and well-being. We learn addiction is a family disease, and we need a recovery program too. In Nar-Anon we learn we are not responsible for another person’s addiction. Addicts need help and so do we. It can be a great relief to learn more effective ways of coping while gaining hope and peace of mind.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
You will find love, understanding, and hope in the NarAnon Family Group. People in the group may be experiencing, in varying degrees, the same hurt, anger, and anxieties you may be feeling. We come to Nar-Anon because we are burdened with responsibilities and feel we are alone. We come here to change the behavior of the addict but soon find that it is our own thinking and attitude that must be changed if we are to have relief. We find people in Nar-Anon who understand what we are going through and are ready to share their experience, strength, and hope to help us. In Nar-Anon, we learn how to live one day at a time; we stop projecting. We learn how to deal with our feelings of fear, guilt, obsession, anxiety, and denial. We look at ourselves and put our energy where we do have some power over the choices in our own lives.
As we begin to understand the family disease of addiction, we are better able to handle our problems and improve our own lives. We can gain support and understanding by listening and speaking with others at Nar-Anon meetings.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
Nar-Anon is divided into many regions. Each region is comprised of areas located within its geographic boundaries. The region supports areas and groups by providing opportunities for them to communicate with each other, acting on behalf of their common interest and encouraging growth of the fellowship. The Rocky Mountain Region is composed of Colorado Nar-Anon Family Groups. Each region has special events, planning meetings, etc. to aid in Nar-Anon’s Mission.
What is Nar-Anon?
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Have you tried everything you can think of to change the addict and nothing seems to work? Don’t give up. There is hope. You are at a turning point. If you would like your life to be different, Nar-Anon can offer you a better way to live. You will meet people at Nar-Anon meetings who understand your frustration. Nar-Anon is a fellowship for families and friends of addicts whose lives have been or are being affected by someone else’s addiction.
The Nar-Anon Family Group is primarily for you who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. When you come into the family group, you are no longer alone but among true friends who understand your problem as few others could. We will respect your confidence and anonymity, as we know you will respect ours. We hope to give you the assurance that no situation is too difficult and no unhappiness is too great to be overcome.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
How can Nar-Anon help me?
Nar-Anon is intended for parents, spouses, children, siblings, and friends of addicts. Nar-Anon can provide new insights to help with our attitudes, behaviors, and emotions. We can regain our own sanity and well-being. We learn addiction is a family disease, and we need a recovery program too. In Nar-Anon we learn we are not responsible for another person’s addiction. Addicts need help and so do we. It can be a great relief to learn more effective ways of coping while gaining hope and peace of mind.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
What will I find in Nar-Anon?
You will find love, understanding, and hope in the NarAnon Family Group. People in the group may be experiencing, in varying degrees, the same hurt, anger, and anxieties you may be feeling. We come to Nar-Anon because we are burdened with responsibilities and feel we are alone. We come here to change the behavior of the addict but soon find that it is our own thinking and attitude that must be changed if we are to have relief. We find people in Nar-Anon who understand what we are going through and are ready to share their experience, strength, and hope to help us. In Nar-Anon, we learn how to live one day at a time; we stop projecting. We learn how to deal with our feelings of fear, guilt, obsession, anxiety, and denial. We look at ourselves and put our energy where we do have some power over the choices in our own lives.
As we begin to understand the family disease of addiction, we are better able to handle our problems and improve our own lives. We can gain support and understanding by listening and speaking with others at Nar-Anon meetings.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
What is the Rocky Mountain Region (RMR)?
Nar-Anon is divided into many regions. Each region is comprised of areas located within its geographic boundaries. The region supports areas and groups by providing opportunities for them to communicate with each other, acting on behalf of their common interest and encouraging growth of the fellowship. The Rocky Mountain Region is composed of Colorado Nar-Anon Family Groups. Each region has special events, planning meetings, etc. to aid in Nar-Anon’s Mission.
Region Documents
RMR Surveys & Documents ***The 2024 Survey for the Rocky Mountain Region is Open*** Click here to take the 2024 RMR Survey Rocky Mountain Region Surveys Your experience counts and we want to hear from you!To better serve the groups, each year between November and February the Rocky Mountain Region conducts a survey of our members. Anyone who attends groups in the Rocky Mountain Region either in person or virtually is invited to participate in the survey.Look at our growth. Curious about past survey results? 2023 Survey Results2022 Survey Results2021 Survey Results RMR Documents Edit Document NameIssue DateLink RMR Bylaws12.08.2020 Download
RMR Newsletter
Newsletter - Rocky Mountain Recovery The January 2025 issue of the Rocky Mountain Recovery Newsletter is now available.Click here to view or download The Rocky Mountain Recovery newsletter is an electronic publication emailed to subscribers on a regular basis throughout the year. This publication is used to share event info, member stories, resources, region meeting notes, and of course - experience, strength, and hope. We hope you find this newsletter to be informative, entertaining, and another great tool for recovery. - The RMR Newsletter Committee Click here to subscribe to the Rocky Mountain Recovery Newsletter Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all
Start A Meeting
Starting an RMR Group Back to Meetings The Rocky Mountain Region (RMR) is committed to carrying the message of hope to those affected by someone else's addiction. One way we do this is by providing daily meetings. If you would like to start a group in the RMR please follow the appropriate steps provided below.In Person Register with RMR Secretary ( RMR Technology ( with Meeting DetailsRegister with WSO GSR or Meeting Contact to monthly RSC Call and Assemblies (Feb and July)VirtualRequesting Use of RMR Virtual Meeting Room or Clubhouse LinksEmail, to initiate the request. Provide exact day, time, and
Service Committees
Service Committees Service is the third legacy of recovery. All members of the Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups are encouraged and welcome to participate in any of the following service opportunities: Duplicate While keeping the traditions and principles of our program in mind, this subcommittee acts as a vital link and resource between Nar-Anon and all outside entities. This includes, but is not limited, to recovery centers, hospitals, judicial systems, clergy, professionals in contact with family and friends of addicts. Members, groups, and committees reach out to carry the Nar-Anon message to those unaware of the Nar-Anon program. Additional
RMR Information
Rocky Mountain Region information A Brief History of the Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups The Rocky Mountain Region formed on April 22, 2018 with the sole purpose of developing, coordinating, and maintaining services on behalf of the groups in the region. We elected our first panel of Regional Service Officers and Subcommittee Chairs on June 10, 2018. To ensure our success we started holding regular Regional Service Committee Meetings (RSC Meetings) on the first Tuesday of the month beginning July 2018 and have two scheduled assemblies each year. We incorporated in the State of Colorado on December 8, 2020
Region Documents
RMR Surveys & Documents ***The 2024 Survey for the Rocky Mountain Region is Open*** Click here to take the 2024
RMR Newsletter
Newsletter - Rocky Mountain Recovery The January 2025 issue of the Rocky Mountain Recovery Newsletter is now available.Click here to
Start A Meeting
Starting an RMR Group Back to Meetings The Rocky Mountain Region (RMR) is committed to carrying the message of hope
Service Committees
Service Committees Service is the third legacy of recovery. All members of the Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups are
RMR Information
Rocky Mountain Region information A Brief History of the Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups The Rocky Mountain Region formed
Premium Addons
A Vision Of Hope
Every Saturday– 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm MT Dragons Den 3600 S Clarkson St Englewood, CO 80113 Contact: Teresa 720-688-8319 back to meetings
Scott N | 2024 RMR Convention | 11.17.2024
back to all Keywords: Convention, God/HP, Prayer, Sponsorship, Meditation, Scott N back to all
Stephany J | 2024 RMR Convention | 11.16.2024
back to all Keywords: Convention, God/HP, Prayer, Sponsorship, Spouse, Service, Stephany J back to all
Allan C | 2024 RMR Convention | 11.16.2024
back to all Keywords: Convention, Parent, Loss, God/HP, Prayer, Sponsorship, Allan C back to all
Growing in Service
Tuesdays – 3 pm PT |4 pm MT | 5 pm CT | 6 pm ET Learn the tools of the program in service. Click to join the Clubhouse for this
7th Tradition, it matters! | House Party | 06.01.2024
back to all Keywords: Traditions, Service, Marian M, Mary Helen J, Mike L, Linda L, Sheryl H, Lois R, Megan J, Marie T, Alicia H Links to CAL on Purchase
RMR Nar-Anon
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Table of Contents
Nar-Anon is divided into many regions. Each region is comprised of areas located within its geographic boundaries. The region supports areas and groups by providing opportunities for them to communicate with each other, acting on behalf of their common interest and encouraging growth of the fellowship. The Rocky Mountain Region is composed of Colorado Nar-Anon Family Groups. Each region has special events, planning meetings, etc. to aid in Nar-Anon’s Mission.
These 20 questions allow us to evaluate ourselves to see if Nar-Anon might be right for us. Ask yourself the following questions and then answer them as honestly as you can.
- Do you find yourself making excuses, lying or covering up for someone?
- Do you have a reason not to trust this person?
- Is it becoming difficult for you to believe his/her explanations?
- Do you lie awake worrying about this person?
- If it is your child, is he/she missing school often without your knowledge?
- If it is your spouse, is he/she missing work and leaving bills to pile up?
- Are your savings mysteriously disappearing?
- Are the unanswered questions causing hostility and undermining your relationship?
- Are you asking yourself, “What’s wrong?” and “Is it my fault?”
- Are normal family disagreements becoming hostile and violent?
- Are your suspicions turning you into a detective and are you afraid of what you may find?
- Are you canceling your social functions with vague excuses?
- Are you becoming increasingly reluctant to invite friends to your home?
- Is concern for this person causing you headaches, a knotty stomach and extreme anxiety?
- Do minute matters easily irritate this person? Does your whole life seem like a nightmare?
- Are you unable to discuss the situation with friends and relatives because of embarrassment?
- Are you frustrated by ineffective attempts to control the situation?
- Do you overcompensate and try not to make waves?
- Do you keep trying to make things better and nothing helps?
- Are the life style and friends of this person changing? Do you ever think they may be using drugs?
If you have answered “Yes” to four or more of these questions, Nar-Anon may be able to give you the answers you are looking for.
Nar-Anon is intended for parents, spouses, children, siblings, and friends of addicts. Nar-Anon can provide new insights to help with our attitudes, behaviors, and emotions. We can regain our own sanity and well-being. We learn addiction is a family disease, and we need a recovery program too. In Nar-Anon we learn we are not responsible for another person’s addiction. Addicts need help and so do we. It can be a great relief to learn more effective ways of coping while gaining hope and peace of mind.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
You will find love, understanding, and hope in the NarAnon Family Group. People in the group may be experiencing, in varying degrees, the same hurt, anger, and anxieties you may be feeling. We come to Nar-Anon because we are burdened with responsibilities and feel we are alone. We come here to change the behavior of the addict but soon find that it is our own thinking and attitude that must be changed if we are to have relief. We find people in Nar-Anon who understand what we are going through and are ready to share their experience, strength, and hope to help us. In Nar-Anon, we learn how to live one day at a time; we stop projecting. We learn how to deal with our feelings of fear, guilt, obsession, anxiety, and denial. We look at ourselves and put our energy where we do have some power over the choices in our own lives.
As we begin to understand the family disease of addiction, we are better able to handle our problems and improve our own lives. We can gain support and understanding by listening and speaking with others at Nar-Anon meetings.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
Nar-Anon is divided into many regions. Each region is comprised of areas located within its geographic boundaries. The region supports areas and groups by providing opportunities for them to communicate with each other, acting on behalf of their common interest and encouraging growth of the fellowship. The Rocky Mountain Region is composed of Colorado Nar-Anon Family Groups. Each region has special events, planning meetings, etc. to aid in Nar-Anon’s Mission.
What is Nar-Anon?
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Have you tried everything you can think of to change the addict and nothing seems to work? Don’t give up. There is hope. You are at a turning point. If you would like your life to be different, Nar-Anon can offer you a better way to live. You will meet people at Nar-Anon meetings who understand your frustration. Nar-Anon is a fellowship for families and friends of addicts whose lives have been or are being affected by someone else’s addiction.
The Nar-Anon Family Group is primarily for you who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. When you come into the family group, you are no longer alone but among true friends who understand your problem as few others could. We will respect your confidence and anonymity, as we know you will respect ours. We hope to give you the assurance that no situation is too difficult and no unhappiness is too great to be overcome.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
How can Nar-Anon help me?
Nar-Anon is intended for parents, spouses, children, siblings, and friends of addicts. Nar-Anon can provide new insights to help with our attitudes, behaviors, and emotions. We can regain our own sanity and well-being. We learn addiction is a family disease, and we need a recovery program too. In Nar-Anon we learn we are not responsible for another person’s addiction. Addicts need help and so do we. It can be a great relief to learn more effective ways of coping while gaining hope and peace of mind.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
What will I find in Nar-Anon?
You will find love, understanding, and hope in the NarAnon Family Group. People in the group may be experiencing, in varying degrees, the same hurt, anger, and anxieties you may be feeling. We come to Nar-Anon because we are burdened with responsibilities and feel we are alone. We come here to change the behavior of the addict but soon find that it is our own thinking and attitude that must be changed if we are to have relief. We find people in Nar-Anon who understand what we are going through and are ready to share their experience, strength, and hope to help us. In Nar-Anon, we learn how to live one day at a time; we stop projecting. We learn how to deal with our feelings of fear, guilt, obsession, anxiety, and denial. We look at ourselves and put our energy where we do have some power over the choices in our own lives.
As we begin to understand the family disease of addiction, we are better able to handle our problems and improve our own lives. We can gain support and understanding by listening and speaking with others at Nar-Anon meetings.
(Nar-Anon Family Groups , Copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.)
What is the Rocky Mountain Region (RMR)?
Nar-Anon is divided into many regions. Each region is comprised of areas located within its geographic boundaries. The region supports areas and groups by providing opportunities for them to communicate with each other, acting on behalf of their common interest and encouraging growth of the fellowship. The Rocky Mountain Region is composed of Colorado Nar-Anon Family Groups. Each region has special events, planning meetings, etc. to aid in Nar-Anon’s Mission.
Contribution Details
Please fill out the form and include your Name, Group, Email Address and Type of Contribution (e.g. Personal, Group Donation, Meeting Room Rent). Then, click the “Proceed to Payment” button below, which will send you to the PayPal Contributions Button.
Interactive, intensive, immersive, & intimate journey through the steps. Wednesdays, 5pm – 7pm MST 6 Week Workshop January 22 & 29 February …
Nar-Anon and Narcotics Anonymous Speakers Coming Together to Share Their Experience, Strength and Hope Saturday & Sunday, January 25 & 26, 2025 …
Hosted by RMR Cruising February 2 – 9, 2025 Miami | Puerto Plata | St. Thomas | Tortola | Great Stirrup Cay …
RMR Nar-Anon
This is the official website of
the Rocky Mountain Region of Nar-Anon Family Groups
© Copyright 2024 Rocky Mountain Region Nar-Anon Family Groups